dictionary of colour




Colour can contain conveys meaning, emotional moods and functional information. For any visual outcomes, it contains shape, form and most important is the colour. No matter on painting, photograph, illustration… how to present and bring out the feeling, the mood and the meaning of the outcomes, colour really matter. “Colour is the most important design tool for configuring the environment aesthetically, as the abstract lineal structures of the planning phase take on a physical form in the atmospheric and material manifestations of built space[1].” Colour as the most important consideration and the most effective way to manage for expression, for setting up a new bread or setting up a brand identify, colour can well represent the brand with a specific tone, mood, image… make the brand iconic, unique and consistent on each of the decision. Clear identity which means “brand identity” is important setup the rules and the personality of the brand, then all the decision further are also needed to follow the brand identity.

For creation, when we planning or willing to make any creation considering the “project identity” is a way to make the creation consistent and effectively. Similar doing with the brand identity, we set up the project name and colour palette can helps identity the project idea, then create the ideas going are going with the tone and the mood the whole project. Make sure the whole creation to be with a clear theme and consistent.


Colour is the storytelling of the creation. No matter on what creation we are doing, installation, video production, photography… what is our theme or the target on doing that creation. We can consider a name for the creation, meanwhile thinking more what the project target for should be, the target audience, the meaning of the work, the tone and the mood of the outcomes. Setting up a “project identity” by the name and the “colour palette”, considering the meaning the tone brought from colour, create the creation with consistent feeling with these colour set on colour palette.

Which colour can we choose, what kind of mood and tone using specific set of colour for representing the project, there are some books called “Dictionary of colour combination”. Most of these books are print with more than hundreds sets of colour for us to choose for the suitable creation.

There are several publishments of these kinds of dictionaries, Japanese styles, western style… In these book cover redesign I will explore more about this and promote the usages of these kind of books helps to maintain out project consistence and brainstorming.

[1] Buether, A. (2014). Colour: design principles, planning strategies, visual communication. : Edition Detail.

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