

Our project is inspired by the coke dispenser. We want to introduce this concept into the living environment. This concept aims to promote home automation and make users feel convenient. Also, this device is to help users’ arrangement of their snacks and prevent a messy situation. Thus, we think that a candy dispenser is the best choice because eating candy is no age limit. It can be attractive for everyone.



Each user will have their RFID tag or cards to get the candy. If they want to get their candy, they need to put their cards or tags on the readers. It will automatically detect their cards. If their RFID UID is accurate, the green light on the reader will be on, and the reader will command the servomotor rotating. Then, the users can get their candy from the dispenser because the candy will be falling from the container

On the other hand, if users use other inaccurate cards such as student cards, the red light on the RFID reader will be on. It means that the UID of the card is not accurate. The readers cannot command the servomotor rotating. So, they will not get the candy if they use other cards such as Octopus card and credit cards. It is simple to use.


The main feature of this dispenser is using the RFID technique, which replaces the traditional switch button. The users do not need to press the button to get their candies. Also, this device is inspired by a coke dispenser. People may feel interested in this installation because it is unexpectedly for them to use this conceptive device at home. For instance, if some friends or family members visit users’ homes, they likely feel that the device is very modern and attractive. Also, it can be an item of mini furniture too. As we all know, Hongkongers like to decorate the living environment, and this device is a desirable installation to decorate users’ homes. Thus, it can achieve many things at once stroke. 

We created the ID card with our logo and branding image outlook, a RFID sticker in the inner card layer.

Demo video (2'29"):


Nowadays, robotics is essential. Robotics become a part of our lives, such as transportation, entertainment, coffee, and washing machines. The reasons why we need to use robotic machines is that they can be convenient for our life. For instance, a washing machine aims to simplify the process of washing clothes. 


At the same time, home automation is very popular, and it can manage and control different home systems, such as lighting, air-conditioning... It can be beneficial for the users because it is an efficient technique to enhance people’s living environment.


A robotic machine can simplify our working process, such as housework. However, we are not easy to find a robotic machine that can make our living environment tidier. For example, we usually store our snacks or foods in a cabinet at our home. If we buy a lot of snacks or foods and do not tidy up the cabinet usually, we find our snacks in the cabinet difficultly because the cabinet inside is disorder. 


A robotic machine would be an effective way to store our food neatly. Because the impression of robotic machines is omnipotent, they can help humans do different things. Thus, we intend to build a robotic machine as a small storable of snacks such as candy.

#candymachine #installation #arduino #automation #candy